Our working hypothesis is that this method will allow us to present our research findings


The university is a private and public institute, located in Amman, Jordan. It offers several programs including Master’s degrees, PhD programs and certificates.

Jordanian universities have been experiencing a lot of changes in the past few years. They have changed from being mainly funded by the government to be private. This is reflected in the number of universities, which has gone up and down over the years. In this blog post, we will discuss some of these factors and their effects on Jordan's higher education sector

Arab universities have significantly increased in the last decade and there are now over 180 universities in Jordan. In the following years, more and more countries have launched their own private universities, such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. All of them aim to compete with the public, offering a better quality of education for their students compared to those at government-run universities. One of the main advantages offered by private universities is an exclusive access to international students, who study there for a shorter period of time than at public institutions.

Our working hypothesis is that this method will allow us to present our research findings in a way that we can introduce it directly into other sections (for example: "Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies"), without first going through all other sections's content. To do so, we will use a new set of keywords "postgraduate programs", which could be combined with keywords referring to specific websites and news articles [see 5].

"Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies" is a private university based in Jordan. It has an international reputation with its Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts programs in English, which are among the best in the region.

The university was established to provide students with an excellent academic, social and cultural environment in order to prepare them for careers as professionals or for furthering their studies.

The Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies (AAU) is a postgraduate university that offers high quality education in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology.

“Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies” is a private university founded in 2004. It is one of the first universities to be established as a postgraduate institution in Jordan. The University offers a full range of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in different areas of studies such as Business Administration, International Relations and Journalism, Humanities & Languages, Education & Social Sciences and Computer Science & Informatics. private universities in jordan

The university is the first specialized for postgraduate studies in Jordan. It provides a quality education at the highest level.

The University “Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies” is a private university with a large student population. Its main goals are to produce educated citizens, who can contribute to the Jordanian society in various areas and be an asset to its growth.
