
Our working hypothesis is that this method will allow us to present our research findings

  The university is a private and public institute, located in Amman, Jordan. It offers several programs including Master’s degrees, PhD programs and certificates. Jordanian universities have been experiencing a lot of changes in the past few years. They have changed from being mainly funded by the government to be private. This is reflected in the number of universities, which has gone up and down over the years. In this blog post, we will discuss some of these factors and their effects on Jordan's higher education sector Arab universities have significantly increased in the last decade and there are now over 180 universities in Jordan. In the following years, more and more countries have launched their own private universities, such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. All of them aim to compete with the public, offering a better quality of education for their students compared to those at government-run universities. One of the main advantages offered by private universities is an e